
Joanne Lamb


I’m an Irish artist based in London specialising in woven textiles, often incorporating basketry techniques to create one off artworks. Driven by the desire to connect with and preserve the beauty of nature, by tuning into the cycles and seasons I hope to communicate what the planet has given us, and inspire a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

Following a successful career of fifteen years in textile design, I now want to focus my efforts on hand-crafted objects. I am fascinated by the skill, imagination and knowledge of humans that have come before me to make beautiful objects with plants. 


My delicate baskets have been inspired by my impressions and memories of the landscape, combining natural materials and textile processes to create intimate yet expressive vessels. After creating a woven structure with tatami paper yarn using a mould, I then interlace textural, natural yarns including wool, mohair and silk with tactile qualities to invite touch.


These pieces directly connect to my experiences in nature, where colour and texture become tangible references to memory.  I create from remembered landscapes which I carry with me - and remembered sensations of them, which of course become altered. I'm trying to convey my impressions of nature in my artworks - the traces that I’ve been left with. 


I want my work to evoke a sense of being in nature, as if the vessels could be found amongst the flowers in a beautiful garden, before being placed on a mantlepiece to be treasured. My  intention  is  that  my  work  will  point  the  way  to  a  fairer  and  greener world, whilst providing a harmonious sense of place for rest and contemplation to take place.

  • Basketry
  • Contemporary
  • Natural Fibres
  • Recycled Materials
  • Rush (Basketry)