What's on

Midsummer Basketry Camp – Mandy Coates

By Cassandra Lishman
Bryn a Môr, Marros, Pendine, Carmarthen, UK

Mandy Coates is an acclaimed basketmaker who has been living and working as a basketmaker in Wales for over 35 years.  She creates and designs her own contemporary baskets, often using hedgerow materials, plaited bulrushes and laths of different woods such as yew, ash and sweet chestnut.

On this course she will be teaching a beautiful basket with a larch slath base, incorporating making hoop and a learning scalloming. You can expect to take home one or two baskets with you at the end of this course. Mandy’s website is www.mandycoates.co.uk Extra charge for materials in cash £20

This residential Camp includes all food, tuition, camping space, set within gorgeous communal facilities, all by the sea. If you prefer a bit of luxury you can book one of our Shepherd’s  Huts, link on this page.

Book here
