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Beginners Round Basket Willow Day Workshop – Saturday 15th February
Sarah Le Breton
Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 7PU
Beginners Round Basket Willow Day Workshop – Wednesday 2nd April
Sarah Le Breton
Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PU
Flower Basket Willow Day Workshop – Thursday 3rd April
Sarah Le Breton
Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PU.
Ose Basket Workshop – Thursday 27th & Friday 28th February
Sarah Le Breton
Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PU.
Storage Basket Workshop – Friday 25th & Saturday 26th April
Sarah Le Breton
Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PU.
Birdfeeders with Emma and Stuart from the Coddiwomplers
Sue Kirk
Old Brewery Studios, West Street, King's Cliffe, Peterborough, UK
Spring Garden Supports with Judi Evans
Sue Kirk
Old Brewery Studios, West Street, King's Cliffe, Peterborough, UK
Ply-Split Braiding with Helen Leaf
Sue Kirk
Old Brewery Studios, West Street, King's Cliffe, Peterborough, UK
Random Weave with Polly Pollock
Sue Kirk
Old Brewery Studios, West Street, King's Cliffe, Peterborough, UK
Arc and Nut Baskets with Nadine Anderson
Sue Kirk
Old Brewery Studios, West Street, King's Cliffe, Peterborough, UK
Interested in joining the Basketmakers’ Association?