What's on

Bird Sculpture Willow Day Workshop Wednesday 28th February

By Sarah Le Breton
Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PU.

Spend a day creating a willow bird of prey, coastal, woodland or moorland bird of your choice. Due to such a demand for Sarah Le Breton to teach willow animals again this workshop is back!

Cost £105.  This includes all materials and refreshments. Tools provided.  Lunch available at an additional £12.50 cost.  Maximum 8 participants per day.  Sarah is teaching all Willow Day Workshops at a great new venue in Devon and has teamed up with the nearby Lost Kitchen (www.lostkitchen.co.uk) to offer you a delicious lunch too! Workshop held at Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PU.  (15 minutes from Junction 27 of M5).

TO BOOK: Fill in tutor Sarah Le Breton’s Booking Enquiry Form on her workshop page at www.sarahlebreton.co.uk/workshops  For further details please email willow@sarahlebreton.co.uk or call 07905 342091
