What's on

Garden Basket Willow Day Workshop Wednesday 22nd May

By Sarah Le Breton
Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PU.

Ever popular, choose to make either a lovely oblong or oval willow basket.  Perfect for gathering vegetables, Sarah Le Breton has designed and developed both of these baskets so that you get to learn some English Willow techniques and achieve a decent size basket in a day.  Ideal for those with a little more basket weaving experience or for adventurous beginners! 9.30am – 5.30pm (approx). Cost £105.  This includes all materials and refreshments. Tools provided.  Lunch available at an additional £12.50 cost.  Maximum 8 participants per day.

Sarah is teaching all Willow Day Workshops at a great new venue in Devon and has teamed up with the nearby Lost Kitchen (www.lostkitchen.co.uk) to offer you a delicious lunch too! Workshop held at Chevithorne Village Hall, Chevithorne, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PU.  (15 minutes from Junction 27 of M5).

TO BOOK: Fill in tutor Sarah Le Breton’s Booking Enquiry Form on her workshop page at www.sarahlebreton.co.uk/workshops  For further details please email willow@sarahlebreton.co.uk or call 07905 342091
