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Rosie Farey – Rush ‘Sea Urchin’ Baskets – only 5 spaces available

By Oxfordshire Basketmakers
St Nicholas Church Hall, Elsfield Road, Old Marston OX3 0PR

Rush basketmaker Rosie Farey will teach you the techniques required to make one of her signature miniature ‘Sea Urchin’ baskets such as check weave, pairing and a track border. Students will learn how to tension their work to suit working on a small scale. Open to members of Oxfordshire Basketmakers. For more information about Rosie’s work please see @rosiefarey Suitable for beginners and intermediates. Materials cost: £10 per person, payable to the tutor on the day in cash. If you are not already a member of Oxfordshire Basketmakers you can join here:  https://oxfordshirebasketmakers.com/how-to-join-us/ To book please go to: https://oxfordshirebasketmakers.com/whats-on-february-2025/
